Unfilth Your Habitat

UfYH: Terrifying motivation for lazy people with messy homes. Please be advised that this app contains profanity.
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UfYH: Terrifying motivation for lazy people with messy homes. Please be advised that this app contains profanity. The word "filth," in-app, is replaced by the other f-word. There is a lot of swearing. Really so very much swearing. Please do not buy this app and then be shocked by the swearing, because there is a lot of it, and here we are, telling you about it right up front. If traditional housekeeping isn't really your style, but your living space needs a little attention, UfYH's challenges and customizable features will help you get your place back in shape, a few minutes at a time. Rather than encourage marathon cleaning sessions, UfYH gives you the tools to clean up, a little at a time. Unf&%*ing your habitat turns dreaded chores into easy-to-complete tasks, with a hefty dose of "filthy" language to motivate you to clean up. -Clean and simple easy-to-use interface. -Select timed challenges in 5, 10, or 20 minute intervals and try to beat the clock to finish the challenge. -Select challenges by room. -Create a customized to-do list and reminders to keep you on schedule. -Earn achievements for completing challenges or finishing your to-do list. -Use the 20/10 timer to reward yourself with a 10-minute break for every 20 minutes of work. Shorter challenges count cumulatively toward your total time. -Random motivators remind you that excuses are boring and use a combination of a little guilt, a little shame, and a little swearing to get you moving. UfYH is especially useful for those who don't have a lot of spare time to devote to cleaning: students, people with full-time jobs, people with roommates, anyone who can't find the motivation to get up and just do something. Even if it's just a little something! Our lives are complicated and messy, and we're often overwhelmed and distracted, and sometimes a little lazy. Unf&%* things and see a remarkable difference in how you tackle cleaning. UfYH uses frequent profanity and is for mature audiences. In-app, the word "filth" is replaced by its older, more foul-mouthed cousin. This app uses the "f-word." A lot. Please be aware of this before purchasing.
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