Apple Wallet

Keep and use your credit, debit cards, store cards, boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, rewards cards, student ID cards, and more in one place. All on your iPhone or Apple Watch in Wallet.
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Keep and use your credit, debit cards, store cards, boarding passes, movie tickets, coupons, rewards cards, student ID cards, and more in one place. All on your iPhone or Apple Watch in Wallet. APPLE PAY Easy secure and more private way to pay in stores, restaurants, taxis, vending machines, in apps and on the web. Using Apple Pay with your purchases in all kinds of apps. iPhone or Apple Watch is faster than using a credit or debit card. Use Apple Pay to make purchases in all kinds of apps. Pay for a ride, a pizza delivery, or a new pair of sneakers — with just a touch. Checking out is fast, simple, and secure. APPLE CARD* A new kind of credit card created by Apple, not a bank. Designed for the iPhone and a healthier financial life with unlimited Daily Cash and no fees. Apply for Apple Card right from Wallet and use in minutes. APPLE CASH** Easiest way tot send and receive money. Just Apple Pay your friends and family in Messages. When you receive money it's added to your Apple Cash card that lives in the Wallet app. Start using the cash right away to make purchases in stores, in apps, and on the web or transfer to your bank account. BOARDING PASSES & EVENT TICKETS Simply add your boarding pass or tickets to Wallet to check in for flights or enter the stadium with just your iPhone or Apple Watch. REWARDS & MEMBERSHIP CARDS Add your favorite coffee shop to drugstore rewards card to Wallet, so you never miss out on all the rewards and benefits. STUDENT IDs** Add your student ID card to apple Wallet to access places like your dorm and the library, or to pay for things like laundry and snacks on campus at participating universities. *Apple Card use is subject to credit approval. Software is subject to change. **Apple Cash, Student IDs and Apple Card available in US only.
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