Tabata Pro - Tabata Timer

Tabata Pro is A MUST HAVE TABATA TIMER to maximize workouts. This fitness timer is for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) tabata timer is engineered to maximize workouts.
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Tabata Pro is A MUST HAVE TABATA TIMER to maximize workouts. This fitness timer is for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) tabata timer is engineered to maximize workouts. Tabata Pro is used by top professional fitness trainers, bodybuilders, physed departments, and athletes. Tabata Pro is designed for Tabata, HIIT, weight training, kettlebells, running, cycling, or any interval fitness training. High impact Tabata and HIIT training maximizes your fitness effect in a short amount of time. Use Tabata Pro to time your tabata training following the tabata method or as a general-purpose HIIT interval timer. It is universal so you can use it on your iPhone, iPad, or Apple Watch. The clear speaking coach built into Tabata Pro will guide you through preparation, work, rest, cool down, and recovery intervals. Tabata Pro comes with carefully selected high-quality alert sounds that are clear to hear over your music. MUSIC CONTROL: Tabata Pro has complete music control using Workout DJ. Workout DJ automatically starts and changes the music during your timer session. You can choose different music for each interval of your workout. TRACK WORKOUTS WITH APPLE HEALTH: Tabata Pro has Apple Health workout logging. Tabata Pro will track your workout sessions and store them to the Apple Health database. Use a heart rate monitor or the Apple Watch app to also associate and store calories burned and heart rate statistics. FEATURES: • Premium quality tabata timer • Start and change music automatically with Workout DJ • High-quality audio, visual, and voice alert system • Fully customizable times, cycles, and tabatas • Multiple quick-change tabata timer presets • Mute sound if needed • Multitasking and split-screen support • Custom external display designed for large screen • Apple Health integration • Apple Watch app 4 PRODUCTS IN 1: • in-pocket as a personal audio coach using headphones • main display for room and on fitness equipment • external display for group training in the gym • Tabata Timer and HIIT timer on your wrist GENERAL USES: • Tabata Timer • Interval Timer • Tabata WOD Timer • HIIT Timer • Walk Run Timer Tabata Pro® and Workout DJ™ are trademarks of SIMPLETOUCH LLC, all rights reserved.
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