More than just a cheat sheet or reference, the PHP Pro Quick Guide provides beginners with a simple introduction to the basics, and experts...
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More than just a cheat sheet or reference, the PHP Pro Quick Guide provides beginners with a simple introduction to the basics, and experts will find the advanced details they need. Loads of extras are included: syntax, variables, operators, conditionals, looping, arrays, functions, forms, and more. The PHP properties/functions are categorized and searchable. Each detailed information screen contains a description, syntax, parameters, examples, and more. In addition, most of the examples include the actual output. The PHP properties/functions are broken into the following categories: Array, Calendar, Database, Date, Directory, Error, Filesystem, Filter, FTP, HTTP, Libxml, Mail, Math, Misc, MySQL, SimpleXML, String, XML, ZIP Along with the following additional PHP information: Basics: - PHP Introduction - Syntax - Variables - Strings - Operators - Conditionals (if, if...else, if...elseif...else, switch) - Looping (for, while, do...while, foreach) - Functions - Forms - MySQL - XML ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have any problems or have comments / suggestions for improving any of our apps, please contact us at, and we will do our best to assist you. We cannot reply to App Store reviews, so please use email. You can also find 808 Apps on Twitter:
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